domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

i just came to say goodbye

In the end, i arrived tired, but happy and healthy to Santiago de Compostela Airport.

A friend of mine came to drive me to my sweet home... :) and i arrived ok after 2 hours in the car.

So, this is the end of my trip to Malta...

This month have been one of the most enriching in all my life and i am going to keep the people and experiences i have lived in my mind forever.

In the whole, I really enjoyed the experience and if you let my to give you an advise, in my mind i believe that travelling and knowing new people, new languages, ... are a very good way to make our life worthy.


I want to thank to all of you that have commented this blog anytime, sent me sms or emails, called me by phone,... in sum those who supported my during the trip...

And i want to say thank you to all the kind people i knew in Malta (students and teachers)... you know who you are¡ May be i'll see you somewhere, sometime,... the world is too small...


Galicia 2011/03/06----

[This blog is closed]

2 comentarios:

Krilin dijo...
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Krilin dijo...

Welcome back!