The blog of the experiences in my one-month trip from Galicia to Malta
domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011
i just came to say goodbye
A friend of mine came to drive me to my sweet home... :) and i arrived ok after 2 hours in the car.
So, this is the end of my trip to Malta...
This month have been one of the most enriching in all my life and i am going to keep the people and experiences i have lived in my mind forever.
In the whole, I really enjoyed the experience and if you let my to give you an advise, in my mind i believe that travelling and knowing new people, new languages, ... are a very good way to make our life worthy.
I want to thank to all of you that have commented this blog anytime, sent me sms or emails, called me by phone,... in sum those who supported my during the trip...
And i want to say thank you to all the kind people i knew in Malta (students and teachers)... you know who you are¡ May be i'll see you somewhere, sometime,... the world is too small...
Galicia 2011/03/06----
[This blog is closed]
sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011
Cost living in Malta - February 2011 updated
Tomorrow i'll finish my trip, i'll leave Madrid at 9:55 and i'll be back in Santiago de Compostela in the middle of the morning... so now i am still in transit... ;)
In other matters, today i prepared a little spread sheet where you can see some prices in Malta than i colleted during this month.
In brief, i think the prices are more or less the same than in Spain, but you can check yourself...
Tomorrow i am going to get up early in order to take my come back flight... so, i'll see you¡
Leaving Malta
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011
Mission acomplished
jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011
Curiosities about basic services in Malta
miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011
My final test
martes, 1 de marzo de 2011
A world of keyboards
lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011
Poop related curiosities
by the way, there are several polite ways to ask for the toilets location:
This is just a curiosity, i think the billboard is wrong because i was looking for the public convenience and the sign pointed directly to the sea ... (a cagar de campo? a cargar de mar?)
Sorry for the escathological post... ;)
domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011
Maltese's cars and tuning
There are some differences with Spain for the newbies, first, they drive in the left, you know about this, but the have another color for the new driver signal.
And it is usual to see in some cars these suplementary antenna... what are these antennas for? i really dont know... :(
sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011
Farewell and the big brother house feeling
jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011
I get my haircut
This was all our conversation in english until the final "how much is it?, please"
miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011
A night at Eden Cinema and other curiosities
I think this is the unique maltese made film in all the movie schedule, and i am sure that this film is not going to be broadcasted in Spain. :D
The film language was perfect american english and i realised that me english is quite poor, because most of time i did not understand anything... may be a 10% out of all the conversation...
There is a lot of russian people here and "internet" knows it, so russian ads everywhere¡
The bowling experience
martes, 22 de febrero de 2011
Culture and manners
Hey, today i had a really hard day with lessons during 8 hours since 11:00Am to 7:20pm.
This week the lessons were concentrated in 4 days because the friday we are going to have a free day... tourism day.
The main issue to talk about today is the culture and manners of Maltese people. As far as i known, in this country is rude call a waiter shouting, whistling, or clapping your hands..., you should only up your hand and wait. Otherwise the waiter could feel that they are being disturbed on its work and do not attend you at all ...
To say the truth, this really dont happens here in St Julians, because there are a lot of foreigners and they are used to the Spanish way of life (a grito pelao¡)
I want to talk about my own experience, i am not really having too much contact with real maltese people,we are all foreigners here, but in my humble opinion, they are very zealous with his culture and manners and not too much openminded... Please, remember that this is a completely subjective opinion, may be i haven´t had enough experiences to say this.
As an example i want to talk about one "problem" i had the last night while i was at the monday party of EF school. A problem that really upset me:
I left my overcoat in a stack of clothes over a table, as usual. I had 2 small beers an then i decided that it was enough, i needed to rest at the residence.
When i went to the table for my coat and tried to take it, some Maltese guys, 2 mid-aged couples, (i prefer to think that they were a bit drunk), took my coat and looked at me as if i were a burglar... they review my coat, front and behind, i allowed them to do that because i knew perfectly that this coat was mine... when they finish its review, they were complete disrespectful and unpolite with its manners, and then they gave it back to me with contempt...
There wasn´t any apologize for its behavior, but they let my leave "alive"... i could see something in their eyes ... may be Xenophobia against the foreigners....
I don´t know, but i felt so bad and really angry, so i prefered going the residence and have a nice rest...
Today it is another day. May be it was all a simple misunderstanding, but i am too sensitive about this manners... then i will remenber it in the future - not all the people here is trustworthy-.
See you guys¡
lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011
The Malta bus service
domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011
It is a quite long journey, that last almost 4 hours, 2 hours to go and 2 hours to come back to St Julians, but you can enjoy the seashore with grateful landscapes in the meantime...
Regarding the transport, we used bus and ferry.
The bus is always a difficult experience to talk about (i'll do it in another post, i am collecting information ;)),
The ferry trip is just a stroll, 25 minutes, Gozo is really close to the main island, Malta. I really loved the ferry, it was a sunny day, the blue sea, i put off my cap and i could feel the breezze ... ahhh Mediterranean life¡
Then in Gozo we went to the capital city (Victoria - Rabat) by bus. It is really a town, quiet, peaceful,... we saw the Ciutatella, another walled castle from where you could see all around, i think this is the highest place in the island,
Then we tried to visit the azura window, prehistoric heritage, i think, but we could not manage this, "mi gozo en un pozo", because we are out of season and there were no bus lines working to this destination, only taxi, i we didnt want to pay a taxi...
So, we had lunch in Victoria, we were speaking about of a lot of funny things, about Germany and Spain, joking, we were laughing most of time. I think that my humour sense can be defined as multinational...(my friends known already about my humour sense :D), but anyway, the main goal to be here is talking and we tried to talk as much as possible.
When we came back, i enjoyed the ferry again, we met some new people from France, we were all the time talking to them, and we could see a beautiful sun fall, from the ferry, the sun falling, the skyline of Gozo and the mediterranean see, it is a pity but i had ran over my camera battery and i couldn´t take any photo....
At last, i want to say thank you to the german guys. They were very kind, because they speaked all the time in english although they are german, and i could understand the conversation and be part of it... It is a bit frustrating when the people start to speak in their mother tongue and i can not understand any word...
sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011
a day in Mdina
Saturday, i was in the residence until late in the morning, i had my lunch (several ham and salami sandwitches) and i made up my mind for going to Mdina, the former capital city of Malta.
Mdina rises in a hill so you have a wide landscape. You can see several other cities from here with the blue of the sea and the sky in the distance.
Mdina is the name for the old city inside the walls, It is a a complety walled city, with bastions and towers, plenty of medival ambient, with regal houses, churchs, museums, a cathedral...
The most of the streets are very narrow and there are some little squares too, you could think that you are living some centuries ago when you are inside Mdina, due to, it is really carefully preserved.
Beside Mdina, but already outside the walls, there is another city called Rabat. Rabat is a moderm city but with a lot of history too.
i visited the St Paul's catacums in Rabat, and you dont be afraid, nowadays there is no dead bodies, though they used to be there a long of time ago... :)
Regarding the heritage, really these islands had a very long history with a lot of influences, you can see something interesting everywhere you go.
Every city has its own history and vestiges, most of them are catholic stuff, the people here feels the cristiasm deep inside, really at heart.
I am here studing and to tell the truth i think i am not going to have enough time to see all this vast heritage, because i only do some tourist trips the saturdays and/or sundays... It will be a pity, but an excuse to come back again in the future ... ;)
In the other hand, it was not all tourism. Yesterday i attended a party in Paceville. the venue was the Havana Club. i did not like the ambient and went back to th residence early.
The problem was not the music, it was dance music as in every other pub here, so what was wrong with the ambient?,
Mainly i was intimidate by the security guys (more wide than tall) and the policemen (yes, the policemen inside a Pub, every 5 minutes ¡)
i think there were something wrong with that place yesterday...
By the way, drinking here is more expensive that to drink in other pubs around here (as a example, a pint of Cisk -local beer- is 4€ here vs 2,6€ in Native pub )
This is a photo of Paceville, upstairs you can find all the wellknown pubs here...
See you
viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011
A rainy day for a meeting with an old friend
Here the weather is more stable, almost every day we wake up in the morning with a temperate temperature and a clean blue sky.
During all the days i have been here, only one day was drizzling, but it was just a bit in the early morning.
But today, my friends, today it is been the first really bleak day.
This morning when i wake up, it was only a bit cloudy and windy, but as far as the day was growing up, the weather has becoming more and more crazy.
In the middle of the morning we were attending our classes and it was raining cat and dogs out there... it was really pouring, this was not a simple drizzle¡
Regarding this, owning an umbrella is useless, because the wind blows too much, then you get your clothes wet whatever you do.
Furthermore, i didn't realize before, but there are not too many sewer (there are even streets with no drain at all), so, when it is really raining, like today, the streets become like little streams of water flowing freely everywhere and you get your shoes wet too.
Anyway, once our classes finished when i went back to the residence, i decided to buy some food at the Arkadia local food store...
And she was there, it was a shock, are you really here?, it has been a long time... i thought i was in a dream, but this was real¡
My former friend, one of my prefered in my childhood, i really loved her... i think some of my elderly friends knew this girl too... ;)
I want to introduce you my older friend MIRINDA (sorry, the photo is no too good).
Yes she is alive, and she is living now in Malta¡
In the supermarket i found this guy too, he told me that he is my "cousin"...
I dont think this was the right name for a product if they want to sell it in Spain. Do you agree?
( come pudding PRIMO¡ XD )
Take care
Bye bye
Garage in use (Vados permanentes)
In Spain we are used to see in the doors of our garages a signal for "vado permanente".
You have to pay a fee at your council every year in order to have this signal in your garage's door.
Here in Malta, i have never seen this signal, all you can see is a red square with white letters "Garage in use day and nigth. Strictly no parking"
There is no serial number and i dont even known if the garage's owners need to pay any fee to use it as in Spain.
Almost all the garages have its own red signal, with the "no parking here" advertise.
But here comes the curiosity, have you ever seen a garage without a door?
Look at his photo and tell me where the door is... by the way i took this photo in Sliema, the nearest city to St Julians, where i am staying...
miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011
The Malta Experience
Today i went to Valletta, the capital city of this little country called Malta.
It is a nice 40 minutes bus trip from St Julians, where my accommodation is, to Valletta Bus Terminus. I'll tell you in other post about buses...
Today in Valletta i was making my own way among its streets, when i found that place
I didn´t known anything about these islands' history before i arrived here 2 weeks ago... so why not take a tour about the Malti History.
The "tour" is really a HD documentary film that last 45 minutes. You are able to hear the audio in 20 languages with his simultaneous translation system... but nothing more.
I think the price is a bit expensive, 6,50€ for a student or 9,50€ for an adult. It is just a short film... but anyway the documentary is interesting and summarize 7000 years of Malti history...
So, my pupils, today a lesson of Malti History (i apologize for the short lesson but i can not remember everything, furthermore, i selected to hear the english audio, so i didnt understand all the film neither :( )
At a glance:
.)7000 years ago there were prehistoric settlements in these islands.
.)5000 year ago these civilization collapse.
.)Since then a lot of civilizations colonize the islands by sea, bringing here their languages and manners,
-Arabs (the local language is very influenced by this culture)
.)Cristiansm was introduced in the islands by St Paul... after a shipwreck¡
.)In the middle ages, cristianism raise and now most of the people here are catholics, the catolicsm is deeply inside the maltese's people.
.)The maltese cross, is the sign of a religious order, the order of St John. This order was first created to provide care for poor and sick pilgrims to the Holy Land.
It became a militar order and they fought agains Turks. It is famous how this order defended the island for more than three months during the Great Siege by the Turks. They won, and this is the main reason of the catolicsm here today... who knows about the main religion nowadays if St John Knighs were defeated by turks?
.)The time was corrupting the honorable order of St John, and Napoleon Bonaparte, take advantage of this to colonize the island of Malta.
.)in the 19th century the british came here to liberate these people from the bad manners that the french army had.
British people bring here his language and manners, too. Today everyone in the islands knows how to speak english and drives in the left. :)
.)in the 20th century, the 2º world war had Malta as a strategy point, due to, the island is in the geografical middle of the mediterranium sea.
Germans and Italians and allies have given to this land some of his manners too...
.) In 1964 the islands achieve its independence
.) In 1974 they became a republic
.) In 2004 they were included as another country in the european union.
And now i am here¡
That is it.
Remember to do your home work about this lesson :P
and please, be careful with the data in this post, because it could be not accurate...
See you¡
martes, 15 de febrero de 2011
Buying and Eating vegetables in Malta
I really think that the alcohol drinks here are absolutely poison, it is no normal how bad i was feeling this mornig ... believe me, i did not drink so much yesterday... then now i know that i´ll take it easy the next time.
But i had to get up this mornig because i had to attend my lessons... 6 classes of 40 minutes each... i felt like dying.... my god. But yesterday's party was my fault and i am here to learn.
Anyway, i have to post something interesting, i dont want to lose my loyal readers, ... so i am going to talk about these "little lorrys selling vegetables" that you can find everywhere all around St Julians.
As far as i know this is very popular in Great Britain, but i had never seen it before, so i tooked some photos.
And by the way, the vegetables here are good, you can find any kind of fresh vegetables and fruits, ... a healthy and tasty alternative for so much pizza.
You can find oranges, cucumber, onions, cabbage, apples, salad, carrots, pears, ... and so on. Always fresh and ready to eat.
It seems that the price is just a little bit more expensive than spanish price, but i think this depends on the season...
So let's eat some healthy food¡
(Mineralizarse y supervitaminarse)