martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Culture and manners

Hey, today i had a really hard day with lessons during 8 hours since 11:00Am to 7:20pm.

This week the lessons were concentrated in 4 days because the friday we are going to have a free day... tourism day.

The main issue to talk about today is the culture and manners of Maltese people. As far as i known, in this country is rude call a waiter shouting, whistling, or clapping your hands..., you should only up your hand and wait. Otherwise the waiter could feel that they are being disturbed on its work and do not attend you at all ...

To say the truth, this really dont happens here in St Julians, because there are a lot of foreigners and they are used to the Spanish way of life (a grito pelao¡)

I want to talk about my own experience, i am not really having too much contact with real maltese people,we are all foreigners here, but in my humble opinion, they are very zealous with his culture and manners and not too much openminded... Please, remember that this is a completely subjective opinion, may be i haven´t had enough experiences to say this.

As an example i want to talk about one "problem" i had the last night while i was at the monday party of EF school. A problem that really upset me:

I left my overcoat in a stack of clothes over a table, as usual. I had 2 small beers an then i decided that it was enough, i needed to rest at the residence.

When i went to the table for my coat and tried to take it, some Maltese guys, 2 mid-aged couples, (i prefer to think that they were a bit drunk), took my coat and looked at me as if i were a burglar... they review my coat, front and behind, i allowed them to do that because i knew perfectly that this coat was mine... when they finish its review, they were complete disrespectful and unpolite with its manners, and then they gave it back to me with contempt...

There wasn´t any apologize for its behavior, but they let my leave "alive"... i could see something in their eyes ... may be Xenophobia against the foreigners....

I don´t know, but i felt so bad and really angry, so i prefered going the residence and have a nice rest...

Today it is another day. May be it was all a simple misunderstanding, but i am too sensitive about this manners... then i will remenber it in the future - not all the people here is trustworthy-.

See you guys¡

4 comentarios:

Krilin dijo...

Be careful, and come back in one piece!

There are pleople looking for problems everywhere

Lapatri dijo...

E que non aprendes....non se pode deixar os abrigos por ahí cando vas de borrachera....despós roubanche os telefonos, carteiras, etc..CABECITA, CABECITA!!

Anónimo dijo...

Hola Txapi!!.Que experiencias se encuentra uno... Esta no es muy agradable, pero tienes otras muy buenas.Es divertido leer tus peripecias en Malta y muy instructivo para mi inglés. Aunque ya ves que he preferido esta vez escribir en nuestro idioma,jajaja, no vaya a ser que meta mil veces la pata. Ya queda menos para volver, osea, que aprovecha bien el tiempo que te queda ahí.


txapolition dijo...

thank you guys, i am still alive ;) but you know as i know too, that there are crazy people all around the world...

See you