sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

i have a cold¡

i have a cold¡

today is my first saturday here, it was going to be a day for shopping and leisure, however it became a desease's day.
today i have a maltese cooooold, ... and you know that i love to complain about my health :)

So in order to improve my vocabulary about this issue, i am going to talk about it:
The weather in Malta is temperate, no warm, no cold, so you never know if you are enough covert or not.
If the sun shines you get warm and if it is cloudy you feel cold...

Yesterday, my throat started to hurt me, it was no that bad, but it hurted me.
in the late nigth i started to sneeze, 1,2, ... several times and my nose became a runny one, (I really runny one). Sometimes i cough, ( no too much ) nevertheless i have no headache and my muscles are not aching me, so i think this deseae is not the influeza.

Anyway, thanks god i brougth some medices in my luggage from Spain. A shot of "pharmagrip" in the mornig and i have walked and shopped all the day in Sliema, like any other healthy tourist.

But now i am in the residence, sneezing again, so I rather stay in bed, and tomorrow will be another day...
don´t worry about me, i bougth some tissues yestarday (blue "tempo" packet in this photo) and i will have enough for this nigth.

As you can see, i am eating healthy salads and i am shaving my beard too, by the way, i bougth the yellow package because i though it was some kind of chew, but this was my mistake, actually are only sweets like spanish SUGUS...


1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola txapi siento mucho tu resfriado,al parecer el clima de malta es diferente al de España aunque como siempre tú coges resfriados hasta en miami,tienes que probar a irte al polo norte,igual allí no pillas nada.
Por cierto vuelve pronto que estos renacuajos de crios me dan cada paliza al futbolin que me tienen hasta los c.....
No te dije,al final el torneo del Molinón terminó a las 6 de la manaña nada menos,y nosotros queriendo apuntarnos.
Bueno ya seguiremos hablando y cura ese catarro.
Un saludo,amiguete. :) :)