lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

the new batch (la nueva hornada)

hei guys¡

today i wake up early in the morning, 7:45Am, because today is monday and i did not really know when my classes was going to start... i did no have my timetable.
today i discovered that i can look at my timetable in the website.
and you kwow what... i didn´t have to attend any lessons until 13:00 hours, then i had a lot of free time, and i tried to do some online exercises on site but no way, the wifi was missing all the morning long...

anyway, the most important thing is that today is monday, a new week, new students, ... there have been a small group of them (10 more or less) but we have new people in the classroom.
This was good for me, i was feeling a bit alone this days because most of people had forged some kind of relationship with other students (by nationality, by mother tongue, becouse they were couple before -a lot of couples are studing here-, roommates, because they have met in any party this weekend...) but
i came alone, my roommate has gone, i aim not to speak spanish here and i was sick this weekend so there was no party for me... then i was feeling alone, and the feeling doesn't matter me, the main problem is that I WANT TO SPEAK ENGLISH and i need a partner to do this...

Dude, never speak alone, you look like crazy¡ :D

But now, new students, new opportunities to know new people... i have been speaking with some people from germany, i think these guys have the best accent for my ears... ;)

And as every new week we have new activities sheduled.I think i am going to do some karting this wednesday. There are too scheduled dance lessons, paintball, different sports matches, parties, hop on , hop off tours, ... if the weather is fine and you are not sick or busted, you can not get bored ... :)

But today the weather is no the best, it was raining in the morning¡, actually it was only a drizzle... but the sun is no shining as usual, and my health is no at 100% either, altough i think i going to the welcome party at nigth to introduce myself to the new guys that had arrived today¡

Take care¡

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

hellow my friend!
Solo espero que te encuentres mejor de tu resfriado,aunque después de comer esa deliciosa tarta de manzana caliente seguro que estarás recuperado ¡buaf! menudo asco de tarta.
Por cierto me encanta la foto,sobre todo ese lugar llamado "black and white" tiene pinta de ser bastante concurrido para celebrar cumpleaños.
Si te vale de consuelo por Monforte también estuvo todo el día lloviendo y hacía un viento endemoniado.
No olvides contestar.
Un saludo. Pallin. :) :)

txapolition dijo...

hei i am glad to know about you...

We have to think about have lunch when i was back in spain ...

See you