miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

The Malta Experience

Hi there¡
Today i went to Valletta, the capital city of this little country called Malta.
It is a nice 40 minutes bus trip from St Julians, where my accommodation is, to Valletta Bus Terminus. I'll tell you in other post about buses...

Today in Valletta i was making my own way among its streets, when i found that place
I didn´t known anything about these islands' history before i arrived here 2 weeks ago... so why not take a tour about the Malti History.

The "tour" is really a HD documentary film that last 45 minutes. You are able to hear the audio in 20 languages with his simultaneous translation system... but nothing more.
I think the price is a bit expensive, 6,50€ for a student or 9,50€ for an adult. It is just a short film... but anyway the documentary is interesting and summarize 7000 years of Malti history...

So, my pupils, today a lesson of Malti History (i apologize for the short lesson but i can not remember everything, furthermore, i selected to hear the english audio, so i didnt understand all the film neither :( )

At a glance:
.)7000 years ago there were prehistoric settlements in these islands.

.)5000 year ago these civilization collapse.

.)Since then a lot of civilizations colonize the islands by sea, bringing here their languages and manners,
-Arabs (the local language is very influenced by this culture)

.)Cristiansm was introduced in the islands by St Paul... after a shipwreck¡

.)In the middle ages, cristianism raise and now most of the people here are catholics, the catolicsm is deeply inside the maltese's people.

.)The maltese cross, is the sign of a religious order, the order of St John. This order was first created to
provide care for poor and sick pilgrims to the Holy Land.
It became a militar order and they fought agains Turks. It is famous how this order defended the island for more than three months during the Great Siege by the Turks. They won, and this is the main reason of the catolicsm here today... who knows about the main religion nowadays if St John Knighs were defeated by turks?

.)The time was corrupting the honorable order of St John, and Napoleon Bonaparte, take advantage of this to colonize the island of Malta.

.)in the 19th century the british came here to liberate these people from the bad manners that the french army had.
British people bring here his language and manners, too. Today everyone in the islands knows how to speak english and drives in the left. :)

.)in the 20th century, the 2º world war had Malta as a strategy point, due to, the island is in the geografical middle of the mediterranium sea.
Germans and Italians and allies have given to this land some of his manners too...

.) In 1964 the islands achieve its independence

.) In 1974 they became a republic

.) In 2004 they were included as another country in the european union.
And now i am here¡

That is it.

Remember to do your home work about this lesson :P

and please, be careful with the data in this post, because it could be not accurate...

See you¡

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Qué bueno el post! Si fueras mi profesor de Historia no habría latado nunca a clase. Besos