domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Malta, my first impressions

i landed in Malta (the picture is the airport) at 13:00 local hour (the same than in Spain)
the weather is temperate today was a 15º celsious sunny day.

the first shock is how this people uses its cars...
they drive in the left side and beside, the most of the roads are not the best, perhaps like a "comarcal" in Spain.
and how is the average driver?
this driver average is a young boy with his girlfriend as passenger "la choni", aboard of prepared or powerfull car "tuenado", making noise with music, exhausts and wheels...
A lot of people "escalla" but nobody cares, it must be the rule¡
the music you can hear in this cars could be "camela" but fortunatly we are not in Spain and its only dance music...

Tomorow i have to attend my first english class, at 8:45am. they want to kill me... ;)

bye bye

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Good morning, Txapolition! Today I got up at six o'clock. I have seen dawn in Malta (at 6:25) by a webcam and an hour later, at Monforte from the window. Now I'm going to San Julian (from St Julian to San Julián) I hope you enjoy your first English class that has just begun. Bicos

duke dijo...

Scalleitors r00lz! xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD